Tuesday, June 28, 2016

QGD Interpretation of the Redshift Effect

QGD proposes a model of light according to which it is singularly corpuscular, which model is a consequence of its discreteness of space axiom.

Note: There are other causes for the redshift effect with are dependent on the light source source (see article here).

The following summarizes an upcoming section of the 3rd edition of Introduction to Quantum-Geometry Dynamics (in progress).


The PDF can be downloaded here.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Gravitational Waves or the Elephant in Room

UPDATED following the GW170817 detection by LIGO-VIRGO

QGD precludes the existence of gravitational waves so how can this be reconciled with the advanced LIGO observatory detections of signals that are consistent with gravitational waves predicted from general relativity? How does QGD explain these signals if, as it predicts, there are no gravitational waves?

Note: the following are previews of updated pages from Introduction to Quantum-Geometry Dynamics 3rd edition.

Gravitational Waves or the Elephant in the Room (GW170817 UPDATE)

The pdf can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Re-thinking Through some of Einstein’s Thought Experiments (part 1a)

In this section of the upcoming 3rd  edition of Introduction to Quantum-Geometry Dynamics, we analyze some of Einstein’s thought experiments which inspired his equivalence principle and paved the way to general relativity.

What we have shown that though there is only one kind of mass, the effects of gravity and non-gravitational force can never be equivalent. And even when cut off from the outside world, as is imagined in Einstein’s thought experiments, observers can correctly describe and distinguish between the forces acting on their environment through experiments as long as measurements are made of the initial, transitory and final states of the experiments and a minimum of two distinct experiments are conducted for each measured property.


You can also download the PDF here.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Introduction to Quantum-Geometry Dynamics 3rd edition (part 1)

All efforts are made to present the concepts of quantum-geometry dynamics in logical order; providing the reader with all the concepts necessary to move from one section to the next (view below or download the PDF here.)

Further parts of the book will be added as they are completed.



Particular Interpretation of Double-Slit Experiments

  Following the failure of classical physics theories to explain the interference patterns observed in double slit experiments and other lig...